Factory Quality AssessmentPrerequisite for successful sourcing Selecting the right vendor is one of the most important conditions for successful sourcing. Brucke & Virtus Factory Quality Assessment helps to verify the capability of a manufacturer to meet contract conditions for quality, quantity and delivery terms. Such assessments can be tailor-made as per client´s needs and requirements. EVENT As trade globalisation gains pace, so does the number of countries where consumer products are manufactured. Monitoring the production process requires on-the-spot presence to optimize the choice of a local supplier. Besides production capacity, a large number of aspects have to be taken into consideration. PERFORMANCE . Increased confidence that the manufacturer can reliably meet requirements on quality, quantity and delivery terms WHY BRUCKE & VIRTUS? As the world´s leading testing, verification, inspection and quality assurance group, Brucke & Virtus is uniquely positioned to help identify news suppliers and thus reduce sourcing risks. |