
Mystery Client Assessment

A systematic evaluation of service quality

The Mystery Client service is a practical method to collect the required information in a systematic way. It allows to react quickly to service weaknesses, and to give instructions to staff for daily service.


Service Quality is a key factor for retaining and gaining clients. By using Brucke & Virtus Mystery Client Services you will be able to quickly diagnose the critical points of your service cycle to be able to act upon the causes of declines in customer satisfaction and loyalty.


. Improved staff motivation & sales morale
. Fostering guest loyalty
. Reduction of claims and complaints
. Control of service procedures
. Follow up on sales campaigns and mechandising
. Measuring the impact of training programmes


Relevant experience and qualified auditors in selected countries
References in key sectors, with major international companies in hospitality, retail and telecommunications
Unique international network of over 4 offices



1. Meeting with clients to determine important areas/service points
2. Development of the standarized programme and checklist
3. Briefing to Brucke & Virtus Mystery Clients
4. Visit to hotel/restaurant/store
5. Quick preparation and submission of visit reports
6. Executive reports for management
7. Ongoing visits for continuous monitoring of service quality